woensdag 24 februari 2010

Penny Arcade Pax link!


Funny video and I guess a good dissection of gaming geek culture :)

donderdag 4 februari 2010

Celeb Geeks!

Now that's one sympathetic geek!
Searching for more geek goodness... And today I got a great tip: Celeb geeks! I mean, how cool's that? Vin Diesel has his own game company and plays Dungeons & Dragons for over 20 years!

Here more links to celeb geekness:

maandag 1 februari 2010

Watch out! It's a Geekboard!

Here are some pictures of research specimen... the Global Game Jam was a gold mine searching for geeks! :-D

And if you want, the rest of my pictures of the GGJ for your viewing pleasure.